We are an Insolvency Agent providing valuation & sales advice to Insolvency Practitioners & Businesses, from initial consultation & advice to the complete clearance of premises – and everything in between.

Our Insolvency Agent services and  how we can help:


Commercial and Office Clearance
Asset Valuations
Business Reports
Asset  Sales
Recovery of Assets
Recycling and reuse of redundant and obsolete items, where their sale is not possible
Removal and Storage
– Asset Disposal, Advertising and Marketing, Negotiations on your behalf
– Asset Tracing
– Locksmith Service

Initial consultation
We attend the subject company’s premises for an informal discussion with management to ascertain the exact nature of the issues affecting the business to see where we can help. During this process important issues, of which our client may be unaware, can sometimes come to lightMeetings are also arranged off site if necessary, if there are confidential matters to discuss.

Inventory making
We compile a detailed inventory of the company assets, with description, make, model and serial number of assets if possible. This is important not only in assisting with the valuation process, but also in recording the extent of the company assets for the eventual sale contract or invoice.

We provide valuations on the several bases, the most common of which are Forced Sale, Open Market and Going Concern values.

– Forced Sale values are provided where the business is closing, or has already closed, when the assets need to be recovered and realised quickly.
– Open Market values are provided in similar circumstances, but where there is perhaps less urgency and some form of marketing or advertising can take place. Often another business is interested in acquiring certain assets or groups of assets.
– Going Concern values are provided where the existing business is being sold as a trading entity, as a whole or in part, together with the assets.

We negotiate and conclude the sale of assets, after consulting with our client and making the necessary recommendations. Sales proceeds are held in our separate Clients’ account and paid over as soon as possible after the sale completes. Typically, the assets may comprise:

– Land/property
– Plant
– IT Equipment
– Motor Vehicles
– Goodwill
– Intellectual Property Rights
– Stock
– Leasehold interest
– Work in Progress

Removal and Recovery of assets

We supervise the safe recovery and clearance of all assets from site.

– Vehicles
– Plant & Machinery
– Equipment
– Stock
– Office Furniture
– IT equipment

Asset Management
Where IT equipment is sold, we ensure compliance with the Data Protection Act, to protect our instructing client from any unintentional breaches. In addition, we ensure where possible, assets resold in the event of an Insolvency comply with Health & Safety and if not, are sold to trade buyers (with the necessary disclaimers) only.

Site Clearance, Recycling and Waste Management
We supervise the removal of purchased assets, ensuring there is no damage to the premises and supervising the complete clearance of site. We are also able to clear premises and this may include disposal of all rubbish and hazardous waste, as well as recycling any obsolete items, to minimise landfill. Items of obsolete IT equipment are data cleansed to military standards, so that all confidential data is completely erased. If there is confidential waste, documents can be shredded to top level security standards. All items are disposed of in a responsible manner, with full certification. We only use licensed contractors from licensed depots,to ensure full traceability. We ensure that our client has maximum compliance with WEEE and other EU directives concerning waste disposal. Sustainable waste management solutions. All disposals are in accordance with our ‘Green, Environmentally Friendly’ Policy of 2010.

Commission only sales
We are happy to accept commission only instructions, rather than a fixed fee, where we carry out the valuation and subsequent sale.


Call us now on: 01707 263667



  • Insolvency Agent
  • Liquidators Agent
  • Insolvency Agents