Our Recycling and Reuse programme, for redundant and obsolete items, in instances where the sale of these items is not possible. Great for cost saving, the environment and great for local charities.

Recycling and Reuse

Herts Valuations offer a recycling and reuse programme, for redundant and obsolete items, in instances where the sale of these items is not possible.

Sometimes we are instructed to clear a business premises which contains obsolete, faulty or unsaleable items. It may be that a business has out dated equipment, which has been superseded by the latest technology, or out dated stock. This is ideal for our recycling and reuse programme.

Office furniture can also prove difficult to resell, due to the high cost of removal and clearance of such bulky items. In these situations, Herts Valuations are able to offer a solution.

In the first instance, we will do our best to sell the items in question, to raise funds. If this is not possible, we will examine the possibility of recycling the items (for example by arranging the responsible recycling of scrap and component contents) and will advise you accordingly on the possibilities.

If neither of these options are available, we will try to find a local charity, good cause or local community program that can make use of the items in question. Within our nationwide network, we have always found good causes, able to use most items offered to them. These good causes are very willing to also remove the items free of charge, in most cases, saving our clients this cost. In addition, our clients benefit from any Goodwill that accrues as a result of community donation. The benefits of the Herts Valuations recycling and reuse programme are:

– We minimise our clients’ costs of clearance
– We enable benefit to the local community
– Our clients receive the benefit of any positive publicity generated by donations to good causes
– Our clients satisfy their corporate responsibility
– We minimise landfill – helping to save the environment

For more information feel free to:

Call us now on: 01438 716010

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